Pictures of the ArCon user interface
The floor plan is entered in ArCon in the so-called construction mode (in the 2D top view). The texturing of individual surfaces and the furniture is preferably done in design mode (directly in the 3D view / 3D top view). Defined section views and side views are calculated automatically and can be displayed either in full screen mode or as a window in 2D planning. However, an additional design in section- and side views is not possible.
Note: The following screenshots of the user interface were created with a sample house from ArCon.
Images of the modern cadvilla user interface
Generally, in cadvilla, all entries are always made directly on the 3D model of the project (created in the background). The elements (e.g. walls, windows, doors, furniture …) are entered via different views of the 3D model to make it easier to enter the floor plan and other details. A view of the model can be, for example, a 2D top view, a 2D side view, a 2D section view or a 3D view.
Note: To compare the user interfaces of ArCon and cadvilla, we imported the entire sample project from ArCon into cadvilla (possible from cadvilla professional). All textures and furniture shown in the project therefore come directly from ArCon and do not show the expanded possibilities and catalog content of cadvilla.